EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement

The EUR-OPA Major Hazards Agreement is a Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe , set up in 1987 by Resolution (87) 2 [1] of the Committee of Ministers . Its full name is „Co-operation Group for the Prevention of, Protection Against, and Organization of Relief in Major Natural and Technological Disasters (EUR-OPA)“.

Its aims are to develop disaster prevention, risk management , post-crisis analysis and rehabilitation.

The Agreement supports the development of scientific and technical centers on both sides of the Mediterranean . [2] Many of the research activities are organized through a network of these centers.

It also includes a European Alert System , [3] which is an earthquake disaster alert and rapid response system, run by the Strasbourg secretariat in cooperation with the European-Mediterranean Seismological Center.


The agreement is known to an „open“ agreement, States do not have to be member States of the Council of Europe in order to join. As of September 2011, 23 Council of Europe member States and 3 Non-member States of the Council of Europe are party to the agreement. Several International organizations also participate.

Council of Europe member States to the EUR-OPA treaty (as of September 2011) are Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, France, Georgia, Greece, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Portugal , Romania, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine. Council of Europe non-members party to EUR-OPA are Algeria, Lebanon and Morocco. Participatin international organizations include the European Union, the World Health Organization , UNOCHA , UNESCO and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies . [4]

Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Monaco joined the Council of Europe. Italy was a member of the Agreement from 1987 to 2002. Israel was also a member until 1996. [5]

Ministers and correspondents

The Agreement organizes a ministerial session every two or three years, which sets the priorities for activities. The latest of these, the 11th session, took place on 31 October 2006 in Marrakech on the theme „Protecting societies from disasters through preparedness and prevention: a political priority“. [6]

A network of permanent correspondents meets these activities.

The Agreement functions with a small secretariat, based at the Council of Europe headquarters in Strasbourg in the Agora building.

External links

  • Major Hazards Agreement website
  • Contribution of the EUR-OPA Major HazardsAgreement of the Council of Europe, F. Tondre, 2005, Retrieved 18-10-2008
  • OCHA Disaster Response Preparedness Toolkit

Further reading

Early Warning Systems for Natural Disaster Reduction (International IDNDR-conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disasters, held at the GeoForschungsZentrum in Potsdam, Germany from 7-11 September 1998) .Published by Springer, 2003, ISBN  3-540- 67962-6 , ISBN  978-3-540-67962-2 [7]


  1. Jump up^ (87) 2
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  3. Jump up^ Warning System
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