Guest Houses in Germany

Pensions in Germany are based on a „three pillar system“. [1]

  • First pillar: mandatory state pension insurance ( gesetzliche rentenversicherung ). This part of the basic social security system. All employees and employers pay a percentage of wages into this system.
  • Second pillar: Voluntary Occupational Pension Insurance
  • Third pillar: private insurance

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Social security in Germany

Social security in Germany is codified on the Sozialgesetzbuch , or the „Social Code“, contains 12 main parts, including the following,

  • Unemployment insurance and public employment agencies (SGB II and III)
  • Health insurance (SGB V)
  • Old age pension insurance (SGB VI)
  • Invalidity insurance (SGB VII and IX)
  • Child support (SGB VIII)
  • Social care (SGB XI)

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