CMAS Europe

CMAS Europe (CMAS EU) is an organization created expressly to represent the interests of the World Confederation of Underwater Activities (CMAS) within the European Union and in other parts of Europe by European National Divine Federations affiliated to CMAS.

Purpose and organization

Its purpose is to Promote, Support, develop and as Necessary, defend The Following interests of CMAS dans le European Union and in other parts of Europe – the CMAS Diver Training Certification System , underwater sports représentée par CMAS, the equity of the CMAS Scientific Committee concerning the protection of both the marine environment and the underwater cultural heritage, and all other events falling under CMAS ‚aims. It is incorporated as an international non-profit making association in Belgium . Its operations are overseen by a board of directors. [2] [3]

It holds special membership status within the European Underwater Federation (EUF). [4]


The following organizations are the CMAS National Federations of the CMAS EU on 25 June 2005: [5]

  • Austria – Tauchsportverband Österreichs (TSVÖ)
  • Belgium – Royal Belgian Federation of Underwater Research and Activities and Belgian Federatie voor Onderwateronderzoek in-sport (FEBRAS-BEFOS)
  • Cyprus – Cyprus Federation of Underwater Activities (AUFC)
  • Czech Republic – Svaz Potápěčů České Republiky (SPČR)
  • Denmark – Dansk Sportdykker Forbund (DSF)
  • Estonia – All Eesti Veeliit (EAVSL)
  • Finland – Ry Sukelajaliito (SR)
  • France – French Federation of Underwater Studies and Sports (FFESSM)
  • Germany – Verband Deutscher Sporttaucher eV (VDST)
  • Great Britain – Sub-Aqua Association (SAA)
  • Great Britain – British Underwater Sports Association (BUSA)
  • Greece – Hellenic Federation for Underwater Activities (HFUA)
  • Hungary – Magyar Buva Szakszovetseg (MBSZ)
  • Ireland – Comhairle Fo-Thuinn (CFT)
  • Italy – Federazione Italiana Pesca Sportiva has Attivita Subacquee (FIPSAS)
  • Latvia – CMAS Baltic (CB) citation needed ]
  • Lithuania – Lietuvos Povandenino Sporto Federcija (LUSF)
  • Luxembourg – Luxemburgish Federation of Underwater Activities and Sports (FLASSA)
  • Malta – Federation of Underwater Activities Malta (FUAM)
  • Netherlands – Nederlandse Onderwatersport Bond (NOB)
  • Poland – Komisja Dzialalnosci Podwodnej – Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno-Krajoznawcze (KDP-PTTK)
  • Poland – Polski Zwiarek Pletwonurkowania (PZP)
  • Portugal – Federação Portuguesa de Actividades Subaquaticas (FPAS)
  • Slovakia – Zväz Potãpacov Slovenska (SPA)
  • Slovenia – Slovenska Potapljaska Zveza (SPZ)
  • Spain – Federación Española from Actividades Subacuáticas (FEDAS)
  • Sweden – Svenska Sportdykarförbundet (SSDF)

Its members are classified as follows: Real Members are Those organizations based in a European country member with European Union membership while Joining Members are Those organizations based in a European country not HAVING European Union membership. [6]


  1. Jump up^ „General Assembly of CMAS Europe 2013“ . World Confederation of Underwater Activities . Retrieved 30 December 2013 .
  2. Jump up^ „CMAS EUROPE aisbl, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION“ (PDF) . CMAS EU. p. 3. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 December 2013 . Retrieved 27 January 2013 .
  3. Jump up^ „CMAS EUROPE aisbl“ (PDF) . Federal Public Service Justice . Retrieved 27 January 2013 .
  4. Jump up^ „Structure“ . European Underwater Federation . Retrieved 27 January 2013 .
  5. Jump up^ „History“ . 2010. Archived from the original on 5 October 2011 . Retrieved 23 February 2015 .
  6. Jump up^ „CMAS EUROPE aisbl, ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION“ (PDF) . CMAS EU. pp. 3-4. Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 December 2013 . Retrieved 27 January 2013 .