Federal Office for Information Security

The Federal Office for Information Security ( German : Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik , abbreviated as BSI ) is the German upper-level federal agency in charged of managing computer and communications security for the German government . Its areas of expertise and responsibility include the security of computer applications, critical infrastructure protection , Internet security , cryptography , counter eavesdropping , certificationof security products and the accreditation of security test laboratories. It is located in Bonnand has over 600 employees. Its current president, since 1 February 2016, is business executive Arne Schönbohm, who has taken over the presidency from Michael Hange.

BSI’s predecessor was the cryptographic department of Germany’s foreign intelligence agency ( BND ). BSI designs still cryptographic algorithms Such As the Libel cipher and Initiated the development of the Gpg4win cryptographic suite.

Similar Agencies

The BSI has a similar role as

  • Computer Security Division (CSD) of Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) of NIST (United States)
  • CESG (United Kingdom)
  • The National Institute of Communication Technologies INTECO [2] (Spain)

BSI is focused on IT-security rather than being part of an organization with a more general IT-standards remit. BSI is separate from Germany’s intelligence intelligence , which is part of the military and the foreign intelligence service ( BND ).

See also

  • National Cyberdefence Center


  1. Jump up^ „Archived copy“ . Archived from the original on 2014-10-15 . Retrieved 2014-09-09 . BSI – About the BSI(in German)
  2. Jump up^ „www.incibe.es“ (in Spanish). inteco.es . Retrieved 2013-09-25 .