European decency threshold

The Social Charter INITIALLY defined what Many UK campaigning groups termed the Council of Europe decency threshold in the 1960s as 68% of average earnings Within a national economy . The definition of such a change in the net income (as of July 2004 ).

There are a number of discrepancies between the UK and the UK, and it is understood by the Secretariat of the European Social Charter. The exact origins of the term ‚Council of Europe Decency Threshold‘ are vague, but it is said that the Council of Europe did not create it. It is now more commonly referred to as the ‚European Social Charter Adequate Remuneration Threshold‘ or ESCART.

Many pressure groups in the UK used the original method of calculation for a higher minimum wage . Before it closes, the Low Pay Unit uses this threshold in a campaign for a minimum wage of half male median earnings, rising to 2/3 over the next few years. However, it has a significant impact on the use of the following criteria:

The Scottish Low Pay Unit , an independent organization with similar goals to the London-based Low Pay Unit, continues to drive higher rates in the United States. figures for the UK. They also produced a briefing outlining the advantages and disadvantages of the calculation.

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