European Alliance

The European Alliance (EA) is a political group in the European Committee of the Regions composed of a mix of regional and independent members. It was established in 1996, with strong influence of the European Free Alliance , and has since then existed in several incarnations.

Currently, the group gathers 36 local and regional politicians from 11 Member States: Belgium, Estonia, France, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain and the United Kingdom.


Since its foundation in 1996 until 2004, the European Alliance Group of the European Free Alliance is a member of a group of independent and then-governing parties of the Republic of Ireland, Fianna Fáil , thus serving as a relative loose grouping of regionalist and non-regionalist members of the European Committee of the Regions. The group’s main founding principles included:

  • Support for an open Europe of regions and nations
  • Support for highest possible standards for environmental protection, health workers, consumer protection, veterinary rules, social welfare and

In 2004 the European Union (UEN-EA) has been united in a wide range of political options, from traditionally centrist parties to more national-conservative ones. At the time, the group is affiliated with the European Parliament’s Union for Europe of the Nations .

In 2009, the group restored its original name and has returned to its regionalist roots.


Currently, the European Alliance Group

  • Femu a Corsica (Corsica)
  • Nieuw-Vlaamse Alliantie (Flanders)
  • Eusko Alkartasuna (Navarra)
  • Scottish National Party (Scotland)
  • Valdostan Union (Valle d’Aosta)
  • Plaid Cymru (Wales)

In addition, the group’s membership includes independent local and regional politicians from Catalonia, England, Estonia, Ireland, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, as well as a number of Green members.

Political priorities

Apart from its regionalist affiliations, the group gathers a significant number of independent members active in the development of Europe’s rural areas, particularly rural, mountainous and island areas. In addition, a strong focus is put on the promotion of green economy and the protection of Europe’s cultural and linguistic diversity, especially regional identities.

Some of the group ’s main priorities include:

  • Cohesive Union based on common responsibilities and solidarity
  • Increased EU support for entrepreneurship, SMEs and social enterprises at a local and regional level
  • Balanced development across all of the EU’s regions, with a strong focus on the gap between rural and urban areas.
  • Investment in green growth and technologies for the improvement of low carbon economy
  • Universal access to education
  • Promotion of Europe’s cultural and linguistic diversity, particularly of lesser used and regional languages
  • Support for the principle of self-determination, including support for the EU’s „internal enlargement“, provided that it is achieved through a peaceful and democratic process
  • Better European governance through a significant improvement in the functioning, simplicity and transparency of the EU.


Current president of the group is Mr Stanisław Szwabski, Councilor of the City Council of Gdynia, Poland.

Previous presidents include:

period name Authority Member state
1998 – 2002 Seán Ó Neachtain Galway County Council ireland
2002 – 2004 Annette McNamara Cork County Council ireland
2004 – 2006 Keith Brown Clackmannanshire Council United Kingdom
2006 – 2007 Maria Corrigan Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council and Dublin Regional Authority ireland
2007 – 2010 Paul O ‚Donoghue Kerry County Council ireland
2010 – 2012 Jerzy Zająkała Mayor of Lubianka poland
2012 – 2015 Uno Silberg Kose Municipality Council estonia
2015 – present Stanisław Szwabski Gdynia City Council poland
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