CEC European Managers

CEC European Managers (also called „European confederation of executives & managers staff“) is a European organization that promotes and promotes the interest of managers in Europe towards the European institutions.

Through its national member organizations and professional federations it represents around 1 million managers in Europe.

CEC European Managers is one of the six cross-industry European social partners recognized by the European Commission and takes part in the European Social Dialogue.

CEC European Managers’office is based in the European quarter of Brussels [1] .

CEC history

Managers were among the first to understand the importance of organizing themselves on an international level. In 1951 the French, German and Italian executive federations formed the CIC (International Confederation of Managers). In this paper, this international federation founded the European one in 1989.

CEC European Managers now unites around 1 million executives, managers and professionals in Europe, through its national organizations and European federations. Since the late 1980s, CEC European Managers has made its genuine and positive contribution as a social partner to the European integration.

Since the Maastricht Treaty , CEC has become an interlocutor for the European Commission and is consulting on new legislative initiatives.

Since July 1999 CEC European Managers is part of the employee delegation in the negotiations under the social protocol of the members of these negotiations [2] .


According to CEC European Managers, their mission can be described as follows [3] :

– to strive for European integration; – to contribute to the balance between the economic performance of enterprises and the protection of the workforce. We raise awareness about the fact that managers and workers need different degrees of security and fexibility; Environmental protection, active aging, energy self-suffciency, lifelong learning, active aging, equal opportunities or diversity. to provide relevant knowledge to managers and policymakers at the cutting edge of leadership and policy research. We take a holistic approach to integrating public and private management principles; – to contribute to the quality of European management practices by providing best practices and raising awareness; – to contribute to the debate on the future of public policies from a managerial point of view

Managers in Europe and the World

The employer is responsible for the management of the company and is responsible for the management of the company. Managers assumes essential duties which involve responsibilities, competences and professionalism in the management and implementation of corporate and institutional objectives. Leaders of this type share common sociological characteristics and interests. This is the European Parliament expressly supported managers‘ entitlement to a separate and independent representation of the European Union. This group of employees is steadily increasing with the continuing development of information and communications technologies and new forms of labor organization.

CEC values

According to the document „Managers in Europe: vision, roles and values“ [4] , published in April 2017, European Managers CEC adheres to following values:

Freedom and equality of opportunities : to guarantee freedom, we need to empower people through positive measures Equal treatment and the implementation of truly non-discriminatory policies in all aspects of social life. The commitment to fighting social inequality and the consequences of the economic exercise in the direction of countering the obstacles that hinder the full exercise of economic democracy.

Solidarity and inclusion : People and their needs must be at the center of our action. A climate of mutual respect for diversity and personal development potentials can create the space for solidarity and inclusion. We need to work on inclusiveness through a participatory process, a strong stance against intolerance and a trustful working environment. The role of the individual in the workplace is also one of the most important aspects of the workplace.

Responsibility and ethics – leading by example : In times of „fact wars“ and ubiquitous information, responsibility gains in importance. Managers have a key role in society and need to account for their responsibility through a positive social impact. Behavioral ethics is one of the fundamental values ​​of managers, who must perceive the need to lead a concrete form of civic-mindedness and, consequently, integrate the adherence to ethical values ​​in the conduct of their business at every stage.

Transparency : Decision-making processes to be visible and transparent, both in the public arena and at business level, to guarantee the democratic control of institutions and the society. Measures to increase transparency and respect for privacy.

Progress : The idea of ​​linear and pure quantitative economic progress. We need to redefine progress through the alignment of the idea of ​​values ​​and domain-specific visions for it to be measurable. For progress to be sustainable, the process has reached the point of democratic deliberation. Strategies for economic growth must be based on a principle of efficiency in business management, which favors a long-term strategic approach over the fulfillment of an immediate business advantage.

Merit : We believe in a social and professional environment. The people are represented by their knowledge and skills, who are at the service of the company they work for and the society they operate in. We need to increase social mobility and defy structures favoring success with no merit. A particular attention should be given to generalizing turnover, gender neutrality and non-discrimination as additional criteria for personnel selection and career advancement.

Sustainability : We need to mainstream sustainable thinking and behavior in all areas of life and professional activity. It is our duty to hand over to future generations to a healthy environment, an inclusive society and an economy to all members of society. The principle of development must become a fundamental objective for the improvement of the conditions for both the individual and the society.


Team managing

  • President:

– From 2015: Ludger Ramme (Germany)

– From 2012 to 2015: Annika Elias (Sweden)

– From 2006 until 2012: Georges Liarokapis (France)

– From 1996 until 2006: Maurizio Angelo (Italy)

– From 1989 until 1996: Henry Bodes-Pagès (France)

The current officers of CEC European Managers are:

  • President: Ludger Ramme (Germany)
  • Secretary General: Luigi Caprioglio (Italy)
  • Deputy Secretary General: Catherine Houlmann (France)
  • Treasurer: Tor Haehre (Norway) ‚

The current secretariat is composed of:

  • Head of Office: Matteo Matarazzo
  • Secretariat: Georgette Ould
  • Communication: Jean-Philippe Steeger

National organizations

  • Belgium: CNC / NCK – National Confederation of Managers / National Confederacy van het Kaderpersoneel
  • Denmark: LEDERNE / [1]
  • France: CFE-CGC , – French Confederation of Framing
  • Germany: ULA – Deutscher Führungskräfteverband / [2]
  • Greece: ACEO (EASE) – Association of Chief Executive Officers / [3]
  • Greece: HMA (EEDE) – Hellenic Management Association / [4]
  • Italy: CIDA – Confederazione Italiana dei Dirigenti e delle Alte Professionalità
  • Italy: CUQ – Confederazione Unitaria Quadri / [5]
  • Norway: LEDERNE / [6]
  • Portugal: SNQTB – Sindicato Nacional dos Quadros and Tecnicos Bancarios / [7]
  • Slovenia: MAS – Združenje Manager / [8]
  • Spain: CCP: Confederacion de Cuadros y Profesionales / [9]
  • Sweden: Ledarna – Sveriges Chefsorganisation / [10]
  • Switzerland: SKO – Schweizer Kader Organization / [11]
  • UK: MPA – Managerial and Professional Staff Association

European Professional Federations

  • AECA – European Association of Insurance Company Managers
  • ECMF – European Commercial Managers Federation
  • eTIC – European Federation for Managers in Information Technologies and Communication
  • FECC – European Federation of Managers in the Construction Industry
  • FECCIA – European Federation of Managers in the Chemical Industry
  • FECEC – European Federation of Managers in the Banking Sector
  • FECER – European Federation of Executives in the Sectors of Energy and Research
  • FEDEM – European Federation of Managers in the Steel Industry
  • FICT – European Managers in the Transport Industry


  • European: ESHA – European School Heads Association
  • Croatia: CROMA – Hrvatsko Udruženje Menadžera i Poduzetnika (Croatian Managers ‚and Entrepreneurs‘ Association)
  • Hongary: MOSZ – Menedzserek Orszagos Szovetsgege (National Association of Hungarian Managers)
  • Montenegro: MCM – Montenegrin Confederation of Managers
  • Poland: KADRA – Porozumienie Zwiazków Zawodowych
  • Czech Republic: CMA – Czech Management Association
  • Serbia: SAM – Serbian Association of Managers

See also

  • Lisbon Strategy
  • Social partners


  1. Jump up^ https://www.cec-managers.org/en/about-us/
  2. Jump up^ https://www.cec-managers.org/en/about-us/
  3. Jump up^ https://www.cec-managers.org/en/about-us/
  4. Jump up^ https://www.cec-managers.org/static/upload/1/1/Managers_in_Europe_-_vision,_roles_values7.pdf