European Anti Poverty Network

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) is the largest European network of national, regional and local networks, involving anti-poverty NGOs and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and grass-root groups as well as European Organizations, active in the fight against poverty and social exclusion. It was established in 1990.

Supported by the European Commission , [1] EAPN is a network of 31 EU Member States (minus Slovenia), Norway, Iceland, Serbia and Macedonia. EAPN’s membership also includes 13 European Organizations. EAPN has a consultative status with the Council of Europe and is a member of the Platform of European Social NGOs .

Core objectives

  • To promote and enhance the effectiveness of actions to eradicate poverty and prevent social exclusion;
  • To raise awareness of poverty and social exclusion
  • To empower the people living in poverty and social exclusion
  • To face poverty and social exclusion.

EAPN includes the objectives of gender equality and non-discrimination in all its areas of work.


To address its objectives, the EAPN lobbies European and national decision-making institutions to develop and implement inclusive, anti-poverty policies and programs, and to prevent poverty and social exclusion.

It also acts as a central European forum for anti-poverty focused NGOs, exchanging information on EU and national level anti-poverty and exclusion policies; it supports members in exchanging experiences and building partnerships; and provides training for its members. It is also forging links and alliances with like-minded groups and coalitions.


The EAPN website gives access to key EAPN and EU documents on poverty, social exclusion and inequalities. EAPN produces a wide range of materials and publications on social inclusion, social protection, employment, Structural Funds.


  1. Jump up^ Hoskyns, Catherine; Michael Newman (2007). Democratizing the European Union: issues for the twenty first century . Transaction Publishers . p. 17. ISBN  978-1-4128-0569-8 .
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